Goodie Girl Cookies, Mint Slims 6 Oz

Just the right amount of wrong. Certified gluten-free. Somewhere between my decade-long career in punk rock PR, a stint as a fashion model, and raising three kids, I decided that my true talent was the creative mastery of the perfect dose of sugar! So I traded in my cool career to haul thousands of pounds of rice flour to the mixer! I took the best version of a classic cookie and carefully rebuilt it to taste even better than the original by trading the most harmful and punishing ingredients such as hydrogenated fats and preservatives [even gluten!], with better-for-us ingredients. You can make a better tasting cookie without the junk. And trust me, when you gotta have something sweet, a Goodie Girl cookie is Just the right amount of wrong! Eat-up and rock-on, - Shira Berk. Facebook: GoodieGirlTribeca. Twitter at GoodieGirlNYC.