4 Ways to Reverse Holiday Weight Gain
Did you win the holidays in 2016? If so, you may have been awarded a few extra pounds you weren’t counting on. No worries, here is a simple strategy to get back into New Year shape!
Eat Breakfast: If you’re a breakfast skipper you may feel ravenous by mid-morning and as a result overeat. On the flip side, breakfast eaters tend to weigh less, exercise more and feel more alert and ready for the day ahead. Keep it simple with a banana and peanut butter or egg on whole-wheat toast.
Portion control: It’s no secret that portions have gotten out of hand in the U.S. If you’re not quite sure how much you should be eating, use this easy rule of thumb: ½ plate vegetables, ¼ lean protein, ¼ complex carbohydrate.
Cook at home more often: When you prepare meals at home you’ll experience a variety of benefits: greater control over ingredients and portions, control over your budget and time to bond with your family over food prep and table conversation.
Exercise: There’s no escaping it! 30-60 minutes a day five days a week.