Halloween Goodies

Halloween Goodies!

Jacqueline Gomes, RD, MBA

Halloween is a magical time filled with fun for both kids and grown-ups alike! This year, I’m treating the little trick-or-treaters to some creative snacks at home. Check out these ideas:

  • Healthier Treats: Try handing out whole-grain chips, pretzels, dried fruits like apricots, cranberries, or raisins, animal crackers, and single-serve cereal packs.
  • Non-Food Fun: Glow sticks, stickers, Play-Doh, toothbrushes, mini magnifying glasses, decorative pencil toppers, bookmarks, and coloring books make for great alternatives to candy.
  • Interactive Treats: Let your guests create their own chocolate-covered apples with toppings like pecans, coconut, or cereal for added fun.
  • Homemade Goodies: Whip up some quick breads like zucchini or banana bread. Add fruits like apples, pears, or dried fruit to boost flavor and nutrition.

Managing Halloween Candy at Home

  • Store candy out of easy reach. Consider donating it or tossing it after a few days.
  • Go through the treats to sort out what’s safe, and allow a few pieces on Halloween night.
  • Pair one piece of candy with a healthy snack like fresh fruit, or serve it after a nutritious meal.
  • Make sure to brush teeth after indulging in candy – and maybe that new toothbrush from their treat bag will come in handy!

English Muffin Mummies

pizza mummys

Total Prep: 10 minutes

Makes: 4 Servings


  • 2 Thomas’ Plain or Whole Wheat English Muffins, split
  • ¼ cup marinara sauce
  • 2 String Cheese
  • 8 Olives


  1. Spoon marinara sauce over each English muffin half. Place in 425 degree oven for 5 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, create long strings from string cheese and set aside.
  3. Remove English muffins from oven and drape string cheese in a crisscross fashion over each half leaving a small opening for the “eyes”.
  4. Place two olives on each English muffin and enjoy.

Recipe by: Jacqueline Gomes, RD, MBA

English Muffin Pizza Bats

Prep: 10 minutes

Bake: 5 minutes

Makes 4 servings


  • 2 Thomas’ Plain or Whole Wheat English Muffins, split
  • ¼ cup marinara sauce
  • 4 ounces fresh mozzarella, large ball
  • Balsamic Glaze
  • Small Bat cookie cutter


  1. Spoon equal parts marinara sauce over each split English muffin.
  2. Slice mozzarella into large slices. Using your bat cookie cutter, press into mozzarella to create “bats”
  3. Place one bat over each English muffin half. Using Balsamic glaze, create eyes and nose.
  4. Bake if desired at 425 for 5 minutes. Do not overcook.

Recipe by: Jacqueline Gomes, RD, MBA