Taking care of “Super-Mom”

We all know her…she works a full time job, gets two or three kids up in the morning for school, prepares breakfast, lunch & dinner, drives to and from school events and the list goes on and on – her name is “mom”. Let’s take care of this special woman in your life by pampering her on her special day. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Breakfast in Bed – recipe below for a mouth-watering Farmer’s Market Omelet.
  2. No time for breakfast? Dinner will work great too – roasted chicken with vegetables, pasta primavera or baked fish are easy and delicious choices.
  3. Take care of her chores for the day.
  4. Give her some much needed quiet time.
  5. Spa experience, send her to her favorite spa for a massage, manicure and/or pedicure.
  6. Flowers – don’t go empty handed! Stop in one of our stores for a beautiful arrangement.
  7. Homemade gifts such as beaded bracelets, pottery or a painting are gifts the kids can have fun making for mom.